These instructions can also be found in the “READ ME” text document included in the project folder once it’s been downloaded.
As stated in the previous page, all of the materials used to create the current work are available for download; the link for which is as the bottom of this page. In order to prevent the potential limitation imposed by working in a particular DAW, in addition to the associated DAW file, all tracks should been exported as both MIDI (when applicable) and Audio and an accompanying text description of what is happening throughout the work. You can then use this material to create your own work, which then becomes the piece available for listeners and future participants.
For your work, you are able to do whatever you want musically, but your launching point should be what you have downloaded (audio/midi/form/compositional approach/musical material/instruments or patches/whatever you can take from the piece or DAW project/or anything else you can think of). You can add, subtract, or change; do anything to make it your own.
Ideally, you complete your project within one or two weeks.
Below is a description of the contents you will find in the package you download. When uploading your project, please follow the folder/file structure and naming conventions outlined here. Maintain the folder structure in the folder that you download. Generally speaking, bracketed content (Example: [YOUR_NAME]) should be filled in by you and specific to your project, otherwise, leave it as is. For bracketed content, leave the square brackets and replace the contents within. Use underscores instead of spaces. If the naming conventions below don’t serve your work well, email me directly to discuss revising them.
When you have completed your project, please email me ( with either a direct download link or a link to your project on cloud storage.
Main Project folder:
Format—compressed (.zip)
Naming—Project_xxx_xxx_[YOUR_NAME]_[DATE]. The “xxx” is a project ID assigned by myself; leave as is. Date should be in the format of two digits for month, day, and year (ex. 102819 for October 28th, 2019).
READ ME: All of the directions on this page included as plain text.
Format—plain text (.txt)
Naming—READ ME
Project Description: Directions for describing your project are included in this file.
Format—plain text (.txt)
Bounced and Mastered Final Audio Track
Format—16 bit, uncompressed audio (.wav) @ 48K sampling rate
Project/DAW file
Format—Max/MSP, Ableton, Logic, Digital Performer, etc.
Naming—Project_xxx_[YOUR_NAME_NAME_OF_DAW_USED]. Keep the folder/naming structure used with your particular DAW. Just be ABSOLUTELY SURE that all dependencies (audio files, patches, externals, etc.) are included.
Tracks as Audio: If applicable. If you used a music sequencer, all tracks, including those using MIDI for synthesis, should be exported as an individual audio file. If you used something like Max/MSP, each individual process that produces sound should be provided as audio. Discretion will have to be used here. If you conceive of a sound as being an individual sound or voice within the whole of the piece, provide it as an individual audio track.
Format—16 bit, uncompressed audio (.wav) @ 48K sampling rate
Naming—Track_1_Audio, Track_2_Audio, etc.
Tracks as MIDI (If applicable. If you used MIDI on a track, provide it here)
Format—MIDI, Type 1
Naming—Track_1_MIDI, Track_2_MIDI, etc.